Saturday, 22 January 2011

Never trust a reversing cat

I began the day with a few miles run in Owings Mills, Baltimore. No new snow overnight but clear skies meant a pretty crisp morning. I ran for 33 minutes, my hands warmed up after 28. It was fantastic! Back at La's cousin's place, furious slaving away in the kitchen by our hosts (thanks guys!) meant French toast fulfilment. Yum.

Noah, the master of the house (a ginger cat) showed off his old trick of chewing leaves off one of the house plants, a nearly dead one specifically left in situ for that purpose. He then treated us to his new (?) trick of a sort of feline moonwalk, backed himself into a corner of the kitchen and then did a great impression of 'ginger vomiting cat'. Much hilarity followed. Not sure if backwards walking in cats is always a pre-cursor to such things or just a once off. Anyone?

We then went to a cool part of Baltimore called Hampden. Think of the neighbourhood depicted in the movie "Hairspray"- there was even a pink flamingo-shaped guitar in a shop window. Went to the Golden West Cafe for lunch. For some reason there was a moose head (wearing a party hat) mounted above our table. Go figure. I was starving (laughing at cats makes me hungry) and had an awesome rare steak wrap. Delish. From there we did some window shopping, all very 'Hon' (look it up!).

Then La's cousin dropped us back at the bus stop for our trip back to New York. Bye Bye Maryland, you were great!

Back in NYC, we met a friend for supper in Soho, great little place called Bread, then back to our NY 'mom' to pack. Tomorrow is mostly a travel day so today pretty much our last day in the USA. For now.

Breakfast, lunch and supper. Day 7

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